8th Computers |
Frayer Model
Typing Practice! |
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back. |
WEEK #19 | What are your educational goals for the rest of the school year? |
WEEK #20 | If you could somehow jump into the television set and actually experience, along with the TV characters, what's happening in the show, what particular program would you what to be part of? |
WEEK #21 | If you could come to school each day in any unusual vehicle or piece of machinery, what would you choose for your form of transportation? Why? |
WEEK #22 | If you could change one thing about your favorite holiday, what would you change? |
WEEK #23 | What part of a typical day do you look forward to the most? Why? |
WEEK #24 | If you knew you could win a first place trophy in any one event or contest you decide to enter, which event would you choose? Why? |
WEEK #25 | What is the best vacation you've ever taken? What made it so great? |
WEEK #26 | If you could train any wild animal to be a good house pet, what animal would you choose for your pet? Why? |
WEEK #27 | If you could add anything at all to the typical mall that would make it far more exciting or interesting to visit, what would you add? |
WEEK #28 | If you were asked to create a large swimming pool for all the kids that live in your town, what special features would you be sure that this pool had? |
WEEK #29 | What do you think would be the scariest or most dangerous job to have? Why? |
WEEK #30 | What is your all-time favorite song? Why? |
WEEK #31 | If you could personally meet any professional athlete, whom would you want to meet most of all? Why? |
WEEK #32 | If you had to choose between exploring outer space of the bottom of the deepest ocean, which one would you choose? Why? |
WEEK #33 | If you could paint a giant mural on one entire wall in you bedroom, what scene or images would you paint? Why? |
WEEK #34 | If you were given 5,000 ping-pong balls, what would you do with them? |
WEEK #35 | If you could have free tickets to any sports event in the world, what would you want to see? |
WEEK #36 | If you were keeping a journal of all the fun things you've done so far during you life, what are at least three things that you would definitely include in the journal? |
Classroom Procedure: |
100-95.5 | A |
During explanation and demonstration students are attentive and raise hands to ask questions. Students help and respect other students. Follow directions carefully and if you don’t understand, ask. Do not impede with another students opportunity to learn. Workstations are treated respectfully and used for intended purpose. Food and/or drink are in no way allowed in the computer lab.
95.4-93.5 | A- | |
93.4-91.5 | B+ | |
91.4-87.5 | B | |
87.4-85.5 | B- | |
85.4-83.5 | C+ | |
83.4-79.5 | C | |
79.4-77.5 | C- | |
77.4-75.5 | D+ | |
75.4-71.5 | D | |
71.4-69.5 | D- | |
69.4-0 | F |
Procedures: |
Daily Attendance |
Daily Assignments ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quizzes |
Project |
Text: Computer Concepts-Illustrated Series-6th Edition-2007 Computer
Skills Used: Keyboarding
Outline: Computer and Internet Basics