6th Computers |
Typing Practice! |
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back. |
WEEK #19 | What are your educational goals for the rest of the school year? |
WEEK #20 | If you had a videotape of every funny thing that's happened to you or someone you know, which clip or scene would you send to a funny home-video television program? Why? |
WEEK #21 | If you could somehow take a geographic feature from another state and move it very close to your own town, what geographic feature would you like to move? Why? |
WEEK #22 | What in your life causes you to feel pride? Why? |
WEEK #23 | In your opinion, what is the greatest thing ever invented? Why? |
WEEK #24 | What particular quality above all others do you look for when choosing your friends? Why? |
WEEK #25 | If you could open up your own store in the local mall, what would you sell in it? |
WEEK #26 | What are three specific things that you believe make our country such a great nation to live in? |
WEEK #27 | What are three jobs that you think might be really fun to have someday? |
WEEK #28 | If you were asked to help design a new roller coaster for a popular amusement park, what unique and fun features would you suggest for the new rides? |
WEEK #29 | If you could invite anyone in the world to come to your school and give a talk in front of the students, whom would you invite to your school? Why? |
WEEK #30 | What is one thing you are pretty certain you will be quite good at when you are an adult? Why? |
WEEK #31 | If you won $1000 as part of a contest, how would you spend the money? |
WEEK #32 | What is your favorite month of the year? Why? |
WEEK #33 | If you were asked to write a book that would be sold in bookstores across the country, what would your story be about? |
WEEK #34 | What is something most adults do that seems really silly to you? |
WEEK #35 | If you opened up a restaurant, what would you name the place and what type of food would your restaurant serve? |
WEEK #36 | What is something really extraordinary you think you would like to achieve or accomplish during your lifetime? Why? (Example: Climbing a famous mountain.) |
Classroom Procedure: |
100-95.5 | A |
During explanation and demonstration students are attentive and raise hands to ask questions. Students help and respect other students. Follow directions carefully and if you don’t understand, ask. Do not impede with another students opportunity to learn. Workstations are treated respectfully and used for intended purpose. Food and/or drink are in no way allowed in the computer lab.
95.4-93.5 | A- | |
93.4-91.5 | B+ | |
91.4-87.5 | B | |
87.4-85.5 | B- | |
85.4-83.5 | C+ | |
83.4-79.5 | C | |
79.4-77.5 | C- | |
77.4-75.5 | D+ | |
75.4-71.5 | D | |
71.4-69.5 | D- | |
69.4-0 | F |
Procedures: |
Daily Attendance |
Daily Assignments ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quizzes |
Project |
Text: Century 21-Computer Applications & Keyboarding Computer
Skills Used: Keyboarding
Objectives: Demonstrate file management skills.
Lectures/Demonstrations Course
Outline: Unit 1: Review
Letter Keys Resources
New-Key Learning |